Saturday, May 4, 2013


"Where do I even start?! I guess I'll apologize for not looking back after I got dropped off. I think Becky said that it was sad when Jordan didn't look back, so I was going to make sure I did, but I forgot! I was just so ready. And I didn't even cry until they gave me my nametag. The lady probably thought I was a freak! But I have waited my whole life to get that! Now it's like my new cell phone ha! I can't go anywhere without it or I feel naked! I actually lost it last night after "gymtime" and we were all freaking out! It was in the bathroom on the sink haha:) Speaking of cell phone, I've done surprisingly well without it. I figured you guys would be wondering how I'm doing. We are so busy that I hardly ever think about it."
"My companion is amazing. I love her so much. Her name is Sister Bowman from the Seattle area, and she is so sweet and we get along so well! We teach great together too! And she doesn't judge me! Yay! :) The other sisters in my district are awesome too. We all get along so great. The only problem is they won't run with me :( They just want to walk or sit and relax during gymtime. One time we played sand volleyball and that was fun! It reminded me of mom haha. But I need to run and actually workout because I'm going to just get fatter! And I want to have a rockin body when I get home!"
"Pretending to work out with the stretchy bands they gave us when we got here."

 "This is on our temple walk on Sunday.  I saw Sister Barney that I worked with at the math lab."
"So, because the MTC's schedule goes along with BYU's schedule and BYU just finished a semester, we are the unlucky missionaries that get to deal with all the changes right in the middle of our time here! So we had AMAZING teachers! Two of which I have a huge crush on. We still see them every so often so that's good. But now we have new teachers that we don't connect with as well. We know the Spirit is the real teacher, but you know it's good to have a connection with them too. One of our teachers, Brother Hainsworth, is amazing. He always cheers us up if we feel discouraged, and he always brings the Spirit and helps us have awesome experiences in our role plays. And he is sooo attractive and hilarious. Ah I just love him! And he's not married! And he's been off his mission for like over two years! I would be willing to stay home and marry him. hahhahaha jk!!!! He's too little ;) (imagine me saying that in the voice that Kendra says whenevery she says "he's too little") We get to teach a couple different investigators. One of them is our teacher who plays one of the people they taught on their mission. The other is a volunteer that comes in and plays an investigator. They call that TRC. Our TRC investigator, Randy, was awesome! He's really interested in the church and has been praying and reading the Book of Mormon and he is coming to church on Sunday! Yay! :) Ian is a different story, he is Baptist and we are just having a hard time knowing what he needs. He wants to build his relationship with God, but he won't like act on anything. And he seems so apathetic when we teach him! Hopefully our next/last lesson will go better. We have learned so freakin much. How to help investigators receive revelation through the BofM, prayer, church. How to begin lessons. Teaching people, not lessons. Doctrine of Christ. It's something new every day!"
"We have so many snacks in our room because the sisters in my district get so many packages! I got my backpack, and that was more exciting to me than a bag of cookies! So thank you Brenda! :) I also got a couple Dear Elders from Michele Kenfield, Becky, and my roommate Kristen. And Grace wrote me a letter. But I think that's it! If ya'll don't know how to use Deal Elder, it's freaking awesome! You just log in on the internet, make an account, and type up a letter, and they put it in our mailboxes the same day! :)"
 "I got called to be the Sister Training Leader on Sunday! That is like Zone Leader, but a sister. They have always had it in the MTC, but they are actually going to have it in the field now too! We got a new district yesterday, so me and the Zone Leaders get to teach them a little about the MTC tonight. We were so excited for them to get here!"
"We had a devotional on Tuesday night. The other sisters made me sing in the choir with them. Yikes! :/ And technically I had to because I wouldn't have had a companion if I didn't go. But we had good seats! I don't know why they don't just use the marriot center for those things because not even half of the missionaries can fit in that little gym so they have to broadcast it all over. We also sang Love at Home the other day and I thought of dad because he always sings that! Oh man. It's just crazy here. The spirit is so strong."
 "I've seen a ton of people I know like Hope Kenfield, Heather Jensen, Amanda Johnson, Bailee Killpack, Kenzie Kupfer, Matt Critchlow, Andrea Barney, Brady Call. We are going to the temple pretty soon! I have never been to the Provo temple so I'm pretty excited."

 " I've been trying to be really obedient because exact obedience brings miracles!....I haven't been chewing gum. It's been rough but I know the Lord will bless me ha! :)"

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