Thursday, October 30, 2014

Home Sweet Home!

:) Hi everyone! I just want to thank all those who have looked at my blog over the past 18 months! My mission was the most wonderful experience and I am sad it's over! However, I am happy to be home with my family and excited to see what the Lord has in store for me next! I got home on October 18 and have been running ever since. We sent my sister off on her mission just three days after I got home! It was nice to have that short time with her. I am so proud of her and can't wait to hear about her experiences! I will be keeping a blog for her while she is gone and we would love for anyone to check it out! The address is :) Now here are some pictures from when I got home!
 Airport Welcome Home! 
 Our wonderful family friends, the Baumans!
 These lovely ladies traveled down from up north to support us!

 The high school crew!
 Brother and Sister Sherwood from my very first area of my mission came all the way from New Mexico to support me! I was soooo happy to see them! 
 I sure missed the mountains! This is my cabin!
 Sister reunited!
 My baby nephew Matei that I hadn't met till I got home!
 Girls day at the Manti temple!
 Me trying to unpack and Toni trying to was messy!
Sending Toni off at the St. George airport! 

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