Tuesday, October 7, 2014


We got to see the ocean this week! Yay for Coldstone!

Hey all!

Sorry I am writing so late. We went to Bass Pro Shop with the other sisters! It was pretty cool! I just wanted to buy everything for you dad haha! It is basically just like Sportman's Warehouse though. Nothing too special! Then we have cleaning inspections tomorrow, so we have been cleaning like crazy too! But we had a really great week. Wasn't Conference just amazing? I think I just love it more and more every time it comes around. And my testimony that those men and women are truly inspired of God gets stronger every time! I loved that they always turn and connect everything to Jesus Christ. I was able to learn a lot and receive revelation for myself, so I hope you all were able to as well! :) I encourage you to look over your notes, re-listen to the talks, and read them on the app or in the Ensign. Those words are scripture! And set goals to apply the things you have learned.

"We're watching General Conference this weekend.  Are you?"

So, we found a lot of new investigators this week, and are hoping we can get them to progress by making sure they get to church. We also have a ward party this weekend so we will be inviting everyone to that. Tom absolutely loved conference. He went to the priesthood session and said it was phenomenal! We are hoping our other investigators watched it...but we haven't heard from them yet! We went back to visit these guys that we met last week, but they weren't home. So we talked to their neighbor, Samara. She was so sweet and said they want to start going to church and she wants to get baptized too. We went back and taught them and they are so sweet! They moved this weekend, but luckily they are still in our area! So we will hopefully see them tomorrow. We also were able to contact a referral named Kass that they got like two months ago! She is so awesome and we are going to teach her on Thursday! We also get to watch the Meet the Mormons movie on Thursday, so we are really excited for that! :)

Well, the Church is so true. I can't wait to share my love and testimony and more of my experiences with each of you! Have a wonderful week! :)

Love, Sister Lowry

Service project cleaning the exercise machines at the YMCA

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