Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Mother's Day Week!

Hey all! I want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! Especially the ones who really have been like moms to me! Brenda, Becky, Gia, Jackie, Laurel! And of course my grandmas! You ladies are amazing! I can't wait to call home on Sunday! It will be exciting to see my family again! I feel like it was just yesterday that I called though! I'm not sure what time I will be calling... Probably in the afternoon sometime. Also, I got asked to speak in church for Mother's day... So that will be interesting! If anyone has any suggestions, let me know! :) 

So like I said, school is out, and we have just been trying to find people to teach. It has been a struggle, but we are just being diligent and working hard! The Lord is testing our faith and patience, just like he did for the people of Alma in Mosiah 24 I think it is. That is just how it has to go though! Pres. Monson shared a poem in October conference how a tree can't grow right and be strong if is doesn't have some wind and stuff! It's so true. We met a couple of pretty cool girls that we are going to try to follow up with and visit this week, so pray for us haha!

My comp gets a little discouraged because she has been here for 4 months and no one that she was working with has gotten baptized. It can be hard, but I just have to keep reminding her to look at the difference she has made! Last night at the CES devotional we were talking to Colten, one of the members who helps us out a lot. He actually served in Oklahoma with Jayden Payne! Anyway, he always tells us stories and gives us advice to pick us up! He lives with Zarek, who also served in that mission. Zarek has just recently kinda started coming back to church with Colten. They had us over for dinner a couple weeks ago, then Zarek took us out this week. They are both so smart with the gospel and missionary work! So we had a lesson after dinner and asked Zarek to come, and he did! So at the devo last night Colten was telling us how we have really helped Zarek and how he was like reading the Ensign and his scriptures and starting to do all that stuff again! It made us feel so good that we had made a difference somewhere ha! 

So that devotional was pretty good last night, and we also got to watch the Fort Lauderdale Temple dedication! It was amazing! I had never watched one, and it was so special. I learned that when we dedicate a temple, it's like us going to the temple. We dedicate the building to the Lord, and we dedicate ourselves to the Lord when we go to the temple. I miss the temple! But I get to go in June with the Justus family! My first baptism! :) Can't believe that was almost a year ago. This time is so special to me, and I thank Heavenly Father every night for giving me this wonderful opportunity. But I feel like I can never express enough thanks! 

Oh, I got to go visit Alex and Christy yesterday from Waterford Lakes! I keep hearing that they aren't doing very well, so since I am in that stake again, our district leader gave me permission to go visit them! They seemed pretty happy to see me. Other than that, nothing really exciting happened this week. We ate out basically everyday, because that is just how the members feed us. And my companion let me cut her hair this morning! So that was exciting. Oh, I failed to wish my gorgeous sister Isha happy birthday!! :) I love you missy and am so proud of you! 

Have a great week! 

Love, Sister Lowry 

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