Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Gift of Life

I have been kicking myself that I haven't blogged since the wedding. I've thought of so many things that I could write about over the last few months, but other things always seem to get in the way. However, this time I couldn't let that happen, because I had to express how grateful I am for just life itself. It is probably the hardest thing we ever have to do overall, so it kinda fits the theme :)

I've been able to celebrate the birth of Jesus this last week, as well as my own birth today. But I have never felt so much appreciation for either his life or mine. I read a book over the last week that talked a lot about the Atonement and how it can cleanse us and change us. I needed that reminder and am so happy that through Christ's death, sacrifice, and resurrection, we can have life. Physical and spiritual. Him and our Father in Heaven give us breath everyday. How often to we realize that and appreciate it? My outlook on that has completely changed since Sunday.

On our way to church, my husband Scott and I got in a car accident. We hydroplaned and spun into oncoming traffic. As I was sitting in the truck watching it spin, I honestly thought my life was going to be over. When our truck was hit by another truck, my door popped open and I was ejected and thrown to the ground. As soon as I felt myself hit the ground I got up and ran to the shoulder of the road because I didn't want to get hit by a car. I fell to my knees on that grass and thanked God that Scott and I were somehow still alive.

Here I am today, celebrating my 22nd birthday. How? My only explanation is that miracles do happen. The EMTs said they had never seen anyone be thrown from a vehicle and be as fine as I was. The ER doctor told me hat there is a 50% mortality rate when people are ejected from vehicles, and that I was the luckiest girl in Indianapolis that day. All I could think or say was that I have angels watching over me. I so easily could have died. And I left the emergency room with the diagnoses of a only a sprained neck and sprained back. So I am a little sore. That's it. Oh, and I have a little bump on my forehead. ;) It was very emotional thinking about how I still get to hug my family and talk with them face to face. How I get to go back to school and work and doing all the things that I love. I will forever thank my Heavenly Father for the breath I am given every single day by Him. I believe that everything happens for a reason. He must still need me here, and I want to continue to give my life to Him so He can use my how He needs to. Life is precious. Let us try to always remember that, not just when something tragic happens. Yes, life is hard. But it is the only way we can learn and grow to become like God our Father. And it will be so worth it.

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