Thursday, December 19, 2013

Come Let Us Adore Him!

The puppy Keilani!! (I don't know how he spelled it!)

Oh my gosh! How amazing is this time of year?!?! I love it so so so much!!! The music, the love, the decorations, the spirit, the snow! Oh wait... ;) Anyways, I have read so many good things in the Ensign! Please don't forget the reason for the season! Christ has given us everything. What are you going to give back? Also, don't just remember Christ's birth; remember His life, His teachings, His Atonement! It is all so amazing.

The relief society dinner. Yvette is the one next to me

Ok, things are going great!! :) We basically rocked it this week. It is amazing what obedience, diligence, and fervent prayer can do! We saw so many miracles this week! First, Yvette!!! She agreed to be baptized a week earlier than she was supposed to, which is this Saturday, the 21st. She basically asked if she could haha! It was amazing. I love her so much. She is so prepared. One of the best experiences of my whole mission was yesterday at church. In Gospel Principles we were going around introducing ourselves and when it was Yvette's turn she said, "I'm Yvette Rivera, I'm from New York, and I'm getting baptized on Saturday because I have finally found the true church." AHHHH!!! I almost fell out of my chair. It was incredible!! But, the adversary is working really hard on her this week. She is staying strong but she really needs your prayers!! Please!! :)
Next, the Bakers. They moved into the ward a couple months ago and got in contact with the bishop. He asked us to visit them but we have called and stopped by a million times and they never answer! They are busy. Lauren is pregnant and not a member but has taken the lessons already. We finally got a hold of them and met with them! They are great! He is a little protective, but it's kinda understandable because it's a high risk pregnancy. Anyway, she just wants to review the lessons and hope to see it from a girl’s point of view and understand it better! I guess she was intimidated with the elders and her husband teaching her. They came to church though and she is super excited to have us over basically every day! :)
Then the Erbiti family has been working on their nonmember family and they have come to church twice and to two activities! Yesterday we ran into one of them when we were biking and she said we need to come over because her husband has questions! :) So we are on Wednesday I think. The members are getting tons better. They are still treating us good. And coming along on the missionary efforts ha!
Rex and Vijay, our fire knife dancing friends!

This week I also learned how to fire knife dance from some of the Samoans in our ward ha. Another Samoan family's dog had puppies and their son named one of them Keilani... hahaha. It was funny :) I guess he has a little crush... Sister Jacklin is doing pretty well! She just goes for everything ha! Although I can see the difference between just the year of age. Like all my companions have been my age or older, and she is Toni's age. So it's interesting! But we have a good time. I feel a little weird that Kaden and Zack are home and Jordan will be home this week. Time is so weird. I remember each of their farewells! But it's okay, the next ten months will fly by way too fast I am sure!!

This is truly the Lord's work and I wouldn't rather be doing anything else! I love it so much and I have never been happier! I hope you all are doing amazing. Keep up the good work! It does not go unnoticed! And thank you for sending Christmas presents! They are under our little plug in Christmas tree that Brenda sent me! :) The only one I have opened is my grandma Lowry's Christmas candy... Oh my gosh we are loving it!! Oh, and I should be skyping on Christmas about 10am your time, but I will let you know for sure later on. Have a great week! :)

Love, Sister Lowry

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