Sunday, June 7, 2015

Communication is Key

An old friend of mine would use his famous line: "Confidence is key." I would just laugh whenever he said it because I always thought he was too confident. However, as I've grown up more I've found it to actually be pretty true. But it's also led me to realize how communication is also key. When we talk about boys or dating one of my roommates would always say "open, honest, direct" is the best way to go. But the more I've thought about it and had experiences, the more I've learned that it is always the best policy, not just with dating.

It takes effort to communicate.
Not everyone is naturally open.
Being honest can be a hard thing.
I think it's totally human to beat around the bush and be indirect.
But as I've paid attention and observed different peoples' communication skills, I've noticed that when we know how to communicate it can really improve our relationships and stress levels!

So, how do you do it? Well, I'm no expert. I wish I was. But I've seen my communication improve just as my awareness has increased. I think it's one of those things that takes practice and is a life long learning process. It goes back to confidence--we need it to be open and honest.  I've been around quite a few terrible communicators and also some really great ones. I try to take what I see them do or don't do and apply it. For example, my mom was the best listener I know, so I've been trying to be a better listener thanks to her example. Lately my dad and I seem to forget to tell each other important things, so we are both working on keeping each other in the loop more. It really is the small things. Then, once you get started, it gets easier.

I am so grateful for the relationships that I have now where good communication is a priority on both sides. There isn't secrets or games or dishonesty, and it makes it much easier to grow and keep building these friendships that are so necessary. Too often we let fear stop what would be a great relationship. But we can always pray for strength and courage to say the right things at the right times. Yes, it can be scary and a hard thing, but learning how to be a better communicator and being open, honest, and direct is SO worth it when you see the positive effect it has in different aspects of your life.